We understand that each community has a different need to be addressed. 

 We understand that every sector in the community can and should step up to do its part to help provide equal access and opportunity to those in need. We achieve this first meeting with leaders within that community. We follow our process to create a plan that will ensure equitable opportunity.  

This is our approach to creating successful projects for communities in need. 

 A   Assessing the needs of an underserved community. We do this by meeting with local leaders and organizations within that community.
D  Design a project that will directly IMPACT that community. We take a proactive approach and a think-outside-the-box mentality to create a project tailored to that community's needs. 
A  Align with small businesses and corporations to collaborate on projects. We believe that business and community go hand in hand. 
 Project Management ensures efficiency. We aim to ensure each project is executed efficiently from beginning to end.
 Transparency in all things, especially budgeting.  We create a budget for each project so donors can see exactly where their funds are going. Instead of funding the whole organization, donors can support the project they feel connected with directly.

The Cooperative Opportunity Project's primary goal is to ensure the ADAPT formula results in observable change – in both the individual mindset and the community.


People Working Together To Create Opportunities + With Creative Projects 
   The Cooperative Opportunity Project